Peer-reviewed publications
I’ve (co)authored 63 scientific papers, 53 of which have been peer-reviewed (19 as first author, 12 as second author, and 9 as last author). My papers focus on 1) gambling, games, and behavioral addictions, 2) social psychology and moral psychology of robotics, 3) emotions, decision-making, and psychophysiological correlates of cognition, and 4) psychology of deception.
My papers are listed below topic-wise, though some papers fit multiple topics. If you want a paper you can’t access, I’ll be happy to email you a copy.
Arstila, V., Uusitalo, S., & Palomäki, J. (2023). Miksi pelaamme rahapelejä? In S. Uusitalo & V. Arstila (Eds.), Ongelmallinen rahapelaaminen: näkökulmia rahapelaamisen varjoihin ja tutkimuksen katvealueisiin. Turku: Eetos.
Palomäki, J., Salmela, M., & Laakasuo, M. (2023). Emootiot ja niiden säätely rahapelaamisessa. In S. Uusitalo & V. Arstila (Eds.), Ongelmallinen rahapelaaminen: näkökulmia rahapelaamisen varjoihin ja tutkimuksen katvealueisiin. Turku: Eetos.
Kuznetsova, E., Tammi, T., Postnova, N., Palomäki, J., & Cowley, B. (2024). Neurotypical Adults employ Distinct Cognitive Mechanisms compared to Adults with ADHD during a Sustained Attention Task with Gestalt Stimuli. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 46).
Saarinen, V.A., & Palomäki, J. (2021). Psykojuridinen näkökulma tuomarin päätöksentekoon, erityisesti rangaistuksen määräämiseen. Lakimies, 119(6), 993–1014.
Social psychology and moral psychology of robotics
Raitasalo, K., Karjalainen, K., Ollila, H., & Palomäki, J. (in press). Suomalaisten korkeakouluopiskelijoiden päihteiden käyttö vuonna 2021: KOTT-tutkimuksen tuloksia. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti.
Laakasuo, M., Sundvall, J., Francis, K. B., Drosinou, M-A., Hannikainen, I., Kunnari, A. J. O., & Palomäki, J. (in press). Would you exchange your soul for immortality? Existential meaning and afterlife beliefs predict mind upload approval. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1254846.
Drosinou, M., Palomäki, J., Kunnari, A., Koverola, M., Jokela, M. & Laakasuo, M. (in press). Modelling levels of eco-conscious awareness. Journal Applied Social Psychology.
Sundvall, J., Drosinou, M., Hannikainen, I., Elovaara, K., Halonen, J., Herzon, V., Kopecký, R., Jirout Košová, M., Koverola, M., Kunnari, A., Perander, S., Saikkonen, T., Palomäki, J., & Laakasuo, M. (2023). Innocence over utilitarianism - Heightened Moral Standards for Robots in Rescue Dilemmas. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(4), 779-804.
Azevedo, F., Pavlović, T., + 260 authors including Palomäki, J. (in press.). Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Scientific Data.
Pavlović, T., Azevedo, F., + 260 authors including Palomäki, J. (2022). Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning. PNAS Nexus, 1(3), pgac093.
Van Bavel, J.J., Cichocka, A., + 260 authors including Palomäki, J. (2022). National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-14.
Koverola, M., Kunnari, A., Drosinou, M., Palomäki, J., Hannikainen, I. R., Košová, M. J., Kopecký, R., Sundvall, J., & Laakasuo, M. (2022). Treatments approved, boosts eschewed: Moral limits of neurotechnological enhancement. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 102, 104351.
Laakasuo, M., Palomäki, J., Kunnari, A., Rauhala, S., Drosinou, M., Halonen, J., Lehtonen, N., Koverola, M., Repo, M., Sundvall, J., Visala, A., & Francis, K. B. (2022). Moral psychology of nursing robots: Exploring the role of robots in dilemmas of patient autonomy. European Journal of Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
Laakasuo, M., Sundvall, J., Berg, A., Drosinou, M., Herzon, V., Kunnari, A., Koverola, M., Repo, M., Saikkonen, T., & Palomäki, J. (2021). Moral psychology and artificial agents (Part 1): Ontologically categorizing bio-cultural humans. In S. Thompson (Ed.), Machine Law, Ethics and Morality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. New York: IGI Global.
Laakasuo, M., Sundvall, J., Berg, A., Drosinou, M., Herzon, V., Kunnari, A., Koverola, M., Repo, M., Saikkonen, T., & Palomäki, J. (2021). Moral psychology and artificial agents (Part 2): The transhuman connection. In S. Thompson (Ed.), Machine Law, Ethics and Morality in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. New York: IGI Global.
Laakasuo, M., Köbis, N., & Palomäki, J. (2021) A robot’s appearance moderates how its decisions are judged. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(7), 1679–1688.
Laakasuo, M., Herzon, V., Perander, S., Drosinou, M., Sundvall, J., Palomäki, J., & Visala, A. (2021). Socio-cognitive biases in folk AI ethics and risk discourse. AI and Ethics, 1(4), 593–610.
Laakasuo, M., Visala, A., & Palomäki, J. (2020). Kuinka ihmismieli vääristää keskustelua tekoälyn riskeistä ja etiikasta – Kognitiotieteellisiä näkökulmia keskusteluun. Ajatus, 77(1), 131–168.
Koverola, M., Drosinou, M., Palomäki, J., Halonen, J., Kunnari, A., Repo, M., Lehtonen, N., & Laakasuo, M. (2020). Moral psychology of sex robots: An experimental study – how pathogen disgust is associated with interhuman sex but not interandroid sex. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 11(1), 233–249.
Palomäki, J., Kunnari, A., Drosinou, M., Koverola, M., Lehtonen, N., Halonen, J., Repo, M., & Laakasuo, M. (2018). Evaluating the replicability of the uncanny valley effect. Heliyon, 4(11), e00939.
Laakasuo, M., Drosinou, M., Koverola, M., Kunnari, A., Halonen, J., Lehtonen, N., & Palomäki, J. (2018). What makes people approve or condemn mind upload technology? Untangling the effects of sexual disgust, purity and science fiction familiarity. Palgrave Communications, 4(1), 1-14.
Laakasuo, M., Köbis, N., Palomäki, J., & Jokela, M. (2018). Money for microbes – Pathogen avoidance and out-group helping behavior. International Journal of Psychology, 53(1), 1–10.